Integration with TFB tools: timeframes and steps
Choosing the right solution for your brokerage is hard. Whether you are looking for an alternative to your existing system or starting your infrastructure from scratch, there are many things you should consider before you begin:
- How will the solution support your business goals and processes?
- What features does your brokerage require?
- Budgeting for the project.
- Training the team to use the new solution.
- Installation, configuration, and data migration.
Today, we will share an approximate roadmap of the integration with TFB solutions using the example of the Trade Processor liquidity bridge.
Once the broker has made their choice and selected the solution, the remaining part of the project will not take very much time or resources. We share these steps to show that there is no need to worry about the complexity of integration and that changing parts of your infrastructure can be a calm thought-through process. Please note, however, that each project is unique and will look a little different.
Below is the standard process of implementing the solution on the broker’s side:
1. Dedicated TFB support team members are assigned to assist the client with the implementation.
Approximate time frame: 0-1 day
2. A group call or email exchange is initiated to agree on the integration time frames, the list of people involved in the process, to collect data about LPs and specific features required, and anything else that might be needed.
Approximate time frame: 1-2 days
3. The client runs a health check of the environment to ensure the new solution will not push capacity to the limit or create a conflict with one of the existing applications.
Approximate time frame: 1-5 days
4. The TFB support team installs the bridge, and the time frame depends on the environment’s condition. E.g., it might not be allowed to re-start the MetaTrader server during a weekday.
Approximate time frame: 1-5 days
5. Installation of other plugins and applications is initiated by the client and curated by the TFB support team.
Approximate time frame: 1-2 days
6. TFB support checks the installation and initial configuration required to start the usage and provides feedback based on the best practices and individual performance.
Approximate time frame: 2-3 days
7. If a client requires data migration, the TFB support team shares a step-by-step plan which is then approved by the client. The next step is a POC test migration that is usually carried out over the weekend. Finally, the actual migration starts (typically on the following weekend).
Approximate time frame: 1.5-2 weeks
8. A training session is arranged with the client’s representatives via video conference to share basic knowledge, as well as tips and tricks about the solution.
Approximate time frame: 1-7 days
9. A member of Client Success at TFB is assigned to the client to assist with further queries (technical issues, how-tos, and anything else).
Approximate time frame: 1 day
We have perfected the integration process through countless projects, working through every step to deliver top performance. A TFB member is overseeing the process non-stop to provide clients with the best experience. The main priority for us is to integrate TFB solutions in a way that brings the best results and the most comfort to the client.