Introducing WL Group Setting Setter

The international technology company Tools for Brokers (TFB) announced a new WL Group Setting Setter – a modern solution for White Label (WL) brokers.
The solution enables WL brokers to single-handedly monitor and change a variety of configuration settings without having to request those changes from the TFB technical team. WL Brokers get more control over the process while saving their time.
Available to WL brokers at additional cost, the solution is a single console where brokers can review and change the configurations, such as swaps and margin rates for each symbol or group; spread and commission settings for each security or group, margin call and stop out levels for each group.
The new solution is an important step in providing WL brokers with more control over their trading processes in a user-friendly and convenient way. WL Group Setting Setter is currently available to all TFB WL brokers and will be further expanded with additional features.