FIX API platform
The two main use cases
for the FIX API platform are:
Clients who want to become prime brokers can use the FIX API Client Connector as part of their transformation process. As prime brokers, they can provide liquidity to other brokers, White Label clients, and other market participants.
Our FIX API platform caters to hedge funds, investment companies, LPs, banks, exchanges, and anyone else looking to expand beyond their trading platforms for direct market access to private liquidity pools. The FIX API platform allows them to integrate the algorithms and robots just once, and any further liquidity integration is taken care of by TFB.
The FIX API with built-in Margin Engine enables brokers to provide ultra-low latency execution. It doesn’t need any external trading platform to process thousands of orders from your clients.
A user-friendly web interface allows your clients to monitor their exposure, open positions, trading history, and even trade through the web terminal.
The FIX API platform in the Trade Processor is a great choice for prime brokers, hedge fund managers, and liquidity providers looking for the most effective ultra-low latency trading engine to distribute liquidity via FIX or REST API.