BBI: top-5 favourite features of our clients
Author: Baiana Kashaeva
Whether you are an experienced user of data and risk management tools or you are only starting your journey, it’s important to make sure the software you are using has all the functionality necessary for your work to be as comfortable and as efficient as possible. We’ve spoken with many clients of BBI — Brokerage Business Intelligence solution to find out what are some of the most useful features in their opinion. Here they are.
№ ONE: Single pane of glass - all your data will be shown through one console, even if your architecture includes both MT4 and MT5 servers. Our smart system converts data into single format from both types of servers in real-time.
№ TWO: 'Charts' section has various graphs to help you get an at-a-glance look at your data, grasp a general understanding of where your business is and simply double-check that everything runs as usual.

The favourites by many of our customers are the 3 tabs: Hour, Map:Users, Map:Profits It's our UI masterpiece and a real eye-candy for all stakeholders. You can demonstrate it on your regular zoom calls, put it in report for your boss, show it to regulators or simply play with it a little bit - get creative and inspired.
№ THREE: Extended data reporting regardless of your MT status. Part of built-in MetaTrader risk management is assigning roles to users. It's great for preventing wrong people from adjusting your crucial setting. It can however cause inconvenience if you need to generate a report and the system doesn't let you do it because you only have 'viewer' rights.
Our 'Trade Data' module will show everything you need for a proper data analysis regardless of your MT status. There’s no security risk here - you see the data in your report but you still can’t make any changes to MetaTrader.
№ FOUR: Periodic reports module is greatly appreciated by brokers as it provides all reports for CYSEC and FCA. Generating external reporting is crucial if you fall under regulation. The last thing your business needs is issues with compliance. Another great way of utilizing this feature is to use it to build up your reputation. You might not be forced by legislation to send reports but it’s a great tool to demonstrate to your stakeholders that you are a reliable and trustworthy broker.

№ FIVE: Alerts. There are countless alerts in our software for every scenario. You can use them to track customer behavior, monitor it and react instantly. For example, if your clients are executing large orders within your B-book, you might want to track that early and consider moving them to A-book using your bridging software. Or let’s say someone starts trading in large volumes — as a business you want to stay aware of such activities, whether you will take action on them or not. Alerts help you not miss that moment when it’s time to change the leverage, LP or perform any other risk management measures.
You can set up how long alerts are stored in the system. If there’s a backlog of pending alerts in the chart and you’ve only checked a few out of them - all the alerts that you didn’t view will remain pending as new.