Taking a Christmas break? Your brokerage is safe with BBI
Author: Baiana Kashaeva
The holidays are just around the corner! We want every broker to be able to relax and enjoy those festive meals and downtime.
However, there will be no downtime for trading, so we must do the prep work and make sure everything is running smoothly while we take time off. And if you are wondering how you can keep your infrastructure safe, look no further!
What is BBI?
Brokerage Business Intelligence, or BBI, is a monitoring, reporting, and data management solution by Tools for Brokers.
The solution works on both MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 and offers automation and risk management for brokers’ infrastructure. There are many alerts to notify brokers of changes, as well as reports for internal use and to be submitted to regulators.
How does BBI protect the broker’s environment?
Now that we’ve familiarised ourselves with the basics of BBI, let’s look into the ways it can provide a carefree Christmas break for brokers:
1. BBI is accessible from any device. This means that if the broker wants to have a peek at the current state and make sure everything’s okay, they can do that on their mobile phone or tablet from the comfort of their couch.
2. Thanks to countless internal reporting options, brokers can customise and set up reports to run automatically and stay up to date on recent events and upcoming trends. Perhaps the most crucial aspect of risk management is being proactive, and the reports are here to help. Some of the common reports that brokers use are Outstanding Events and Deals Profitability.
3. Customisable 24/7 alerts will notify brokers about any event in real-time. So, you can enjoy holiday films with leftovers while alerts protect your peace. And, because alerts can all be adapted to the brokerage’s unique needs, they are a truly advanced way of making sure there are no surprises.
4. Built-in charts and the economic calendar allow brokers to get a glimpse of the current situation without going into too much detail. Both show data in real-time. Charts help get an overview of the entire environment, while the economic calendar shows worldwide events that can impact traders’ behaviour. As a result, brokers spend little time monitoring and can instantly identify the root cause of any abnormalities.
Today we covered four significant ways that Brokerage Business Intelligence helps brokers operate stress-free. There are, however, many more features and tools that can enhance the safety and health of the infrastructure. If you’d like to learn more or request a free demo license, please email us at sales@t4b.com.