MT4 / MT5 PAMM Solution

About the TFB PAMM system
Our Percentage Allocation Management Module (PAMM) for the MT4/MT5 system is a reliable and customisable asset management tool that combines:
Transparent and intuitive web UI
Powerful performance
Customisable functionality
The system allows your Investors to choose a Money Manager (MM) to allocate funds to by viewing statistics of their relevant performance and popularity. This leads to an increase in traded volumes and funds invested over time.
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money management
The PAMM system enables Money Managers to:
Access incoming request pool for efficient risk and Investor funds management.
Trade on deposits of Investors in MetaTrader and receive fees for management and profitable trading in the MT4/MT5 PAMM system by TFB.
Trade with personal funds along with Investor's capital.
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Investment potential
TFB PAMM System is a MetaTrader money management system that enables Investors to:
View and monitor every step of the process: increase and decrease of investments under a particular Money Manager.
Make decisions to connect to or disconnect from any Money Managers based on their performance and statistics.
Have multiple linked accounts and switch between MMs in just a couple of clicks.
Manage risks by setting risk management levels with Stop Loss and Take Profit, and disconnecting from MM trading pools automatically once certain thresholds are reached.
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Easy control & management for brokers & hedge funds & PROP TRADERS
With the help of TFB PAMM system brokers and hedge funds can stay on top of everything:
Manage data visibility for Investors and Money Managers. With TFB PAMM brokers can set individual view parameters for each client.
Have regular reports on Open Positions and Equity of Investors and Money Managers.
Accumulate all commissions from a MetaTrader server on a single MetaTrader account.
Access the system on mobile and tablet devices 24/7 to track changes and updates.
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Unique features
TFB PAMM has all features of a classical MT4/MT5 money management tool that a broker would expect. It is easy to manage, and it gives flexibility in configuration. While there are many advantages to our system, the ones highlighted below, we believe, are the most important:
Data from multiple servers is processed and calculated via the TFB PAMM core, separately from the MetaTrader platform. This helps offload the balance from MetaTrader and increase operational efficiency. Additionally, brokers can integrate the system into their CRMs and back-office operations via our rest API.
Single pane of glass view with ability to import data from multiple MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 servers into a single TFB PAMM database.
TFB PAMM distributes volumes with increased accuracy, up to 0.00000001 lots. This allows precise profit distribution between Investors, and opens up the opportunity for Investors to participate with smaller deposits on less liquid instruments.
Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly statements for Investors and Money Managers.
Request system as a single portal for Admins to review all incoming requests and navigate the day-to-day activities, making sure everything is taken into work promptly. The Request System offers different access levels for all TFB PAMM system users ensuring data security. The ‘planned’ status within the system helps delay non-urgent tasks and execute them outside of trading hours.
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